PUBG is one of the most played mobile games on the market and it’s not a surprise. This battle royale game offers a lot of fun and excitement, as well as the chance to earn real cash by opening crates (which eventually turns into gambling). To get the most from the game, a fast and reliable connection is essential. Fortunately, you can improve your gameplay by using the best vpn available for pubg global PC.

NordVPN wins this Related Site round because of its lightning fast speed, security features and no-logging policy. It’s a great choice for gamers. It has a wide range of servers that are optimized for gaming and the connections can be fast enough to guarantee low ping. The plans include a 30-day guarantee of refund and are therefore a risk-free choice.

ExpressVPN offers a wide range of high-speed servers in more than 90 countries. It also offers the option of VPN Split Tunneling, which allows you to select which apps are encrypted and which use local traffic. It is also backed by a huge team of tech support experts which means that you’ll always have help when you need it.

Hotspot Shield is a solid option for those looking for an affordable alternative, but it’s important to note that the service does record some information including the amount of bandwidth you’ve used, the length of time you’ve been connected to the VPN and the device’s MAC address. This won’t be an issue for the majority of users, but it’s worth noting if you’re a privacy-obsessed gamer.