The main aim of a online info room should be to share very sensitive documents securely with multiple parties, such as partners and investors, for people who do buiness transactions. This sort of deals include M&As, fund-collecting, IPOs, legal proceedings, and more. Choosing the right provider for your business needs requires an analysis of several key points.

First of all, you should evaluate whether a vendor can meet your business requirements when it comes to security and storage capacity. Try to find the cabability to customize authorization settings, audit wood logs and reviews, secure two-step authentication, active watermarking, and also other security features. Also, make sure the vendor can support various systems and units (Linux, Microsoft windows, web).

A well-planned report index within a VDR can help users discover relevant data files quickly and successfully. A logical file structure is vital to achieve this. Make top-tier folders that line-up with your info room usage purpose and use naming conventions that reflect this kind of. Moreover, always establish subfolders for each belonging to the top-tier folders. Lastly, it is important to place frequently accessed or important documents at the top of the file hierarchy.

One of the leading providers from this field is normally Firmex. It is actually renowned for its M&A solutions although is a good decision in general due to the clean and user-friendly interface. Its functionality is additionally complemented simply by visual analytics and the capability to customize configurations. Other features include consumer activity monitoring, custom reporting ideas and dashboards, and a robust digital rights management.